Meriel Stanton Eidg Anerkannte Psychologin FSP ZüPP
Zertifizierte Sensorimotor Psychotherapeutin©, Psychologische Beraterin & Coach, Natur & Bewegung Taucher
Work experience
Paracelsus Recovery Zürich - Freelance Psychotherapy and Trauma Therapie seit Aug 2021
In Privaten Praxis Seit Aug 2019
PUK Zürich Psychiatric University Klinik ZIP (Center for Integrative Psychiatry) Rheinau. Nov 2015 – März 2018 Movement and Relaxation Therapy with patients suffering from Impulsecontrol disorders & addiction.
ZFP Zentrum für Psychiatrie Reichenau Deutschland - Movement therapy and active relaxation with with patients suffering from psychosis April 2015- Oktober 2015.
OHT Opportunity Housing Trust Wales Support worker in autism and learning disabilities Sept 2007 - Sept 2009 Wales.
Rachel’s Children’s Home – Support worker and fund raiser in Kenyan Aids Orphanage
August 2006- April 2007.Nairobi Area Kenya.
Yoga Teacher & Therapist Kenyatta University August 2006- February 2007.
KIFAZ Kinder Famillien Zentrum V-S Schwenningen Germany support worker and play therapist in play center for socially and economically disadvantaged Children and their families V-S Schwenningen Germany Jan 2006-July 2006.
Self emplyoed Yoga Teacher and Therapist 1996-2017 Classes,seminars,workshops, yoga therapy, teacher foundation training and retreats in Scotland,Spain,India,Kenya,Ibiza,Switzerland and Spain.
Reiki Teacher/Master in Scotland Switzerland & India 1997-2000
Internships :
1. IPW Integrierte Psychiatry Winthertur Movement Therapy 6 months 2013
2. ZFP Zentrum Für Psychatrie 2013